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August 24, 2021

Graduate Hiring

As we know, the FinTech recruitment industry is a candidate lead market. It can be challenging to find the talent you need to scale. With competition rife, many companies are turning to graduate hiring and inside sales programs to organically grow their global sales organizations. Though they might not be as experienced, hiring graduates that […]
December 10, 2019

Does fintech have a problem holding onto talent?

I work for this cool Crypto fintech, but it’s chaos!  This sentiment is becoming increasingly common as opportunities within Fintech are on the rise, encouraging a continued candidate driven market. If you’re considering a new role right now in Fintech, you’d be spoiled for choice, especially if you have a background in software engineering, operations, […]
September 11, 2019

Employee Engagement: The Impact

In the executive search industry, we support the hiring of leadership talent for a variety of different firms differing in both size and industry focus. What is a consistent theme across all of our clients however, is that they all want to hire the best talent possible. We’ve been in a candidate driven market now […]
April 23, 2019

The seven year itch – Does it exist?

According to the Bureau of Labour Statistics, the average employment in a company lasts 4.6 years (3.2 years in services businesses). Most people never get to experience the seven-year itch and decide for themselves if it truly exists. On the contrary, the average length of a marriage in the UK is 11 years and has […]
April 2, 2019

Dealing with the unknown in changing business landscapes

Preparing for new industries and what’s ahead is something we think about every day. Most companies are reactive. Oftentimes, growth companies miss the mark because they’re afraid of addressing what’s ahead simply because it’s unknown. At TritonExec we compete against the largest executive search firms in the world– and  we’ve never won a search based […]